wow, all of these other guys are morons.
zewitchkid..the explosions are not random. Every type of robot has a different way it explodes andy ou can use that information to further yourself in the game. Its not about speed, its about waiting for the right moment to set off the explosion.
wastedfate, its not about winning or losing, its simply about completion. moron. if that's what you're after then why did you even start playing the game...when you get only one click per round how could it be about winning or losing?
sirisian, read the my first paragraph. you're a moron too.
DOOMbubble...thank you for being an intelligent human being. there had to be at least one.
oh, and krindah, no i didn't forget you, if you're even going to bother writing a review, why don't you at least make it something that will stimulate the author's mind (meaning the author of the game for all of you morons), rather than just four words that don't help them do anything to anything ever. you're a moron too.
and now that i'm done with the ubiquitous name calling, being i don't understand the fifteen-year-olds on here sometimes, i must say that this game is a piece of crap. not in a crappy way, mainly that i'm angry with it because it kept me up late when i didn't want to stay up late! I like the graphics, i like the way things exploded, i liked the you had to figure out how all the robots exploded, I just liked the whole game. Its mainly about the score board, which is something i enjoy, and i don't see why anyone else wouldn't enjoy that. that's competition from around the world right there.
I agree that maybe you could make this game into some type of adventure. its something to consider, but i feel that by doing that it might lose some of its charm. Do what you want, because no matter what, this one will always be here.
Thank you for creating this, I really appreciate it. Its so rare to see games come on to this website anymore that are even worth playing, let alone playing for an hour. Its quirky. I like that, and so do a lot of other people even if they haven't reviewed it yet, or you wouldn't have lit up green on the front page's newest submissions section. some people like what you're doing, and screw all the rest, because as i have already stated, they are morons.
sorry, i know this is rambly. but i hope i got my point across.
keep creating, you can only get better right!?