I really enjoyed this game...superb. of course love the twist that i'm supposed to die instead of live...i was getting tired of that old ploy anyway lol! Its funny...there were some levels of this game that had me stumped for hours...and then the second time i went through it after beating it the first time it took me about 6 minutes...it was no less enjoyable. will soon be posting a walk-through for all of you people too lazy to figure that game out for yourselves.
to be fair, i asked for help with this game...but i figured it out on my own as the person i asked has still not pm'd me about it. I'm glad for it. I think i might have felt robbed if someone had told me the answers...but to each his own...you bloody cheaters.
Overall i was satisfied with the graphics...i honestly didn't see any need for realistic blood and gore...i don't really want to know what some of the stuff you made me do looks like. I can imagine it...but thats better than having it pop up on the computer screen to get burned into my retinas. The game was clever and engaging...its a simple concept with not so simple solutions, so i think you really have something here. Everyone enjoys this game because there is something here for everybody...complexity, problem solving, wit, clues that can be just as confusing as the level itself.
I very rarely give good reviews...i believe in constructive criticism given in a wholesome way....but man. I wouldn't change a thing. Thank you for existing and thanks for the game...i will come back and show it to everyone that i know. If you could find a market for this game...though that will be hard to find, i suggest pursuing it.
alright, the verbal diarrhea has gone on long enough...just thank you. Thank you so much.