View Profile goblin0019
I have a light personality and will not vote unfairly. if your game or movie sucks however...well...onl y god can help you.

Age 37, Female

house wife


Norman, OK, USA

Joined on 2/16/09

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goblin0019's News

Posted by goblin0019 - June 10th, 2009

Well, I've played a ton of games on here lately, most notably the AN escape series etc games...very good. make ya think...but kinda hard. which is the point. I thoroughly enjoyed them. Also played the Carradine hangman game. I don't know what all of the stink is about. yeah, i know how he died and it was sad because he was a great actor and all that...but really? Did any of you know him personally that are bitching, or do you just feel like having something to be all butt hurt about? Screw you guys and your judgemental shit...its ridiculous. Go and cry to someone else before blamming someone's game just because they did something that isn't completely socially acceptable. Bad timing is not the point so shut the fuck up you whiney bitches. If any of you fifteen year old little shits can remember when newgrounds began, which i bet you can't because you weren't off your mothers tit yet, you can remember what it was all about. and it sure wasn't about being socially acceptable. I am normally not the kind of person to go off like this, but i've fucking had it. Its ridiculous, to be so pedantic about something and post the same thing over and over and over again on someone's game just because you want to be the five hundredth person to say that same ridiculously crass thing. Really, telling the game author to die because he has no taste? If anything he has a good sense of humor, and some seriously fast programming skills considered with D Carradine died and all. you ignorant fools, go back to your closets and slit your wrists because no one gives a shit about you or your opinions. I know that i'll get a lot of terrible comments about this blog, and that'll just prove my point, so fire away and get it over with you pathetic dweebs. you make me, and everyone like me, sick.

sorry. just had to do that.

Posted by goblin0019 - June 1st, 2009

I forgot to post these the other day...

- Meeblings 2 - I need to go and play meeblings 1, because this game rocked my socks off!!!
- Bango - Its an interesting idea, and i played it all the way through...but there was something lacking from it that i can't quite put my finger on.
- Pirate Defense - I don't know if its because i'm under too much stress lately and my brain isn't working right or what, but it was far too complicated for me to handle when i played it...i think i'll just have to go back to it later.
- Survival Lab - mindless games are good for me right now, so this really hit the spot!
- Hedhog Launch - I found the hedgehog hard to control and it really pissed me off... but it was a good game and well designed.

Edit 1:

Also played today...
- Blocksquad - I don't know if i liked this game. i'm just not in the mood for anything.
- Gemcraft 0 - I really liked this game. I didn't expect it to be a tower defense game, but i really liked the style of it. It kind of reminded me of Mushroom Tower Defense, because of the different powers the crystals could have if mixed together.
- Meeblings - I really enjoyed meeblings 2 and the first one was no different. just easier...which is both good and bad.
- Infect. Evolve. Repeat. - I'd played this before but hadn't realized it. I am a big fan of any game that encourages us to destroy the human race.
- Pandemic II - I have always really liked this game and keep going back to visit it. YAY!!

This has been the weekend from hell...boyfriend breaks up with me...but its only a break. He just needs some time to figure his stuff out. Or whatever. I have high hopes, but i'm suer that Iw ll get crushed, because that it always what happens when i have high expectations.


Posted by goblin0019 - May 24th, 2009

I had the best friday night that i can remember last night. It rocked. My boyfriend took me to a club to two-step. Well, i had never two stepped before so he was kind enough to show me how to do it. he's so sweet. He was doing line dances and all kinds of things and i was getting such a big kick out it. it rocked. we had a few beers and danced ourselves silly and got a lot of funny looks and it didn't matter! I love when i'm having so much fun that people can't bring me down no matter what they do. we both really needed to go and have a good time, especially since his sister is still MIA. We needed to cut loose and de-stress...and it worked.

And super especially since my little brother's birthday was today (he's eight) and his family reunion was today. And we are both busy all day tomorrow with family things, but at least we'll meet up at my brother's party and maybe go "relax" afterwards...lol. should be a good night ;)

In any case, this is my newgrounds activity for the day.

- Toybox - i didn't get to play very far into the game because i didn't have time, but what i saw i liked. I am all about those morbid games that make me cringe every once in a while. like exmortis 2...just perfection. I will definitely revisit this game and try to figure out that alternate ending everyone is talking about.
- Choose your 2012 - I am intrigued by the idea that the world will end in 2012...so me being the one to make it happen is definitely a plus in my life. I liked the graphics and how all of the places on earth were kind of mashed together the way they were. i liked the weapons...the only problem i had with it was the length of the game, and how when you went back into it you have to get all the weapons all over again. it made some of the acheivements hard ... to...well...achieve. but i guess that was the point. i favorited it.
- ArmorPicross - I had way too much fun with this game. I actually got off the phone with my bf to be able to focus on it a little better...woops i still need to call him back.
- 360 supreme catcher - pitiful. didn't like the game. I reviewed otherwise...but now that i think about it it makes poop look good. just sad sad sad. i've programmed better games in my sleep...seriously.
- rockin 2 fame - i regret ever hearing the name of this game...it was awful...and you couldn't tell if you were hitting the notes or not. just sad.

anyway, thats me for the day. wish me luck cooking my brains out and being able to handle way too many kids at once and not break anything...seriously...i have way too many nicknacks in my house. i need the luck just to be able to get up int he morning when the alarm goes off....i'm never going to hear that shit.


Posted by goblin0019 - May 20th, 2009

So, here's an update on my boyfriends little sister. That night that i last posted he found her at her girlfriend's house, she was saying that she couldn't come home because the family couldn't accept that she was a lesbian. Fine, whatever. He can understand that. But when he called his parents and told them where she was, and they finally showed up, she ran out the back door and no one has seen her since. He spent the night last night going into all of the seedy bars in the city because she likes to pretend that she's 21 (she looks more 21 than i do!) and figured that she might be stupid enough to go to a bar...but apparently not for she was in none of them. Well, they have basically decided that when she wants to come home she will and they wash their hands of it. If the cops find her she will be in trouble and so will anybody that she's with. So i guess that's that, but that doesn't stop him from worrying about it. He seems like a different person lately. Its really sad...i hope that things work out but i really don't see how they will on their own.

Well, in any case, played five more games today (for obvious reasons!)
- Learn to Fly! - I really enjoyed this game. my brother and I played it until we had beaten it...it took a while but it was really fun! I recommend it.
- Seed of Destruction - I found this game really hard to control. I really liked the artwork and the music...really liked the music...but i thought that otherwise it really wasn't all that special. Maybe i just didn't give it enough time, or something, but it didn't seem like it was really top five worthy.
- Amateur Surgeon - This was a game that i had already played on adultswim.com...but my brother wanted me to try it...and it was just as fun the second time. I thinkt hat the most attractive thing about this game is that you use household object to do surgery with...like cauderizing the wound with a zippo. that made me very happy.
- Nautilus - found that this game was also very hard to control. It has a rotating laser in the middle and you can control the distance that you want to fire this laser at...but it was so sensitive that it was almost impossible to control. It might me worth playing if you had the time to invest in it to get used to the controls enough to build up some skill at it....as i did not have this much time to spend we moved on.
- The Kill Kar - I really liked the idea of running over people to win the game (I have road rage problems in real life)...but i found this game hard to control as well. but i think i might revisit it to see if i can improve...i don't know. its not a thumbs up or down...its just there.

Well, that's me for today...


Posted by goblin0019 - May 18th, 2009

my boyfriends little sister ran away. she's only sixteen and just doesn't understand the world. Don't get me wrong, she thinks she understands...but she doesn't. Just like i didn't. and i made a lot of mistakes during that time that i wished i could take back...but i can't. it's sad. I hope that she comes back, because if he finds her he might just beat the hell out of her. not that she wouldn't deserve it, but it would be like getting mauled by a bear...how can i wish that upon anyone? Why would any teenager do that to their family? But you know, i guess i can understand...even if it is irrational. He's got me all stressed out about it and i just pray that everything is going to be okay...which is all anyone can do anyway...about anything. sigh.

Other than that, i have been playing lots of super smash bros for the wii today...can't seem to stay away from it...and have revisited the exmortis series here on newgrounds.com....love love love it!! Its so dark...and i find that in exmortis 2 the diary really brings a sense of eerieness to it...i remember the first time i played it and how enthralled i was...and the newpaper clippings in one of the bedrooms. See, one of my biggest fears is an end of the world situation like this, whether it have an exmortis theme, or an i am legend theme, or anything in between...scary stuff. so, when i play this game i kind of get to be scared out of my wits, which is a hard thing for anyone to accomplish.

Anyway, that is all.


Played the following games today
- Gray - like the social commentary aspect of the game
- Turns - it was cute...but didn't really hold my interest very long. didn't take a whole lot of thought to beat the game.
- ChuckaBOOM! - found the bombs hard to control...and i agree with another user. a trampoline or something else to change the directionality of the bombs would be a good idea.
- Androkids 2 - ridiuclous. I like the style of the game...drawn by a kid...but i found too much mario in it without any of the fun. what i have wrote down on my paper is "bad baddy-ness". nuff said.
- Game and Watch - God of War - this made me riduculously happy. I seem to be the only one that liked it, but what can I say? I really enjoyed the original games and thought that spoof was hilarious. I laughed a lot while i was playing it until it sped up and actually became difficult...and i giggled when i got eaten. who can argue with a bit of giggling in the middle of the night? no sir, not me.

Posted by goblin0019 - May 14th, 2009

Oh dear, it's three in the morning again and here I sit at my computer, waiting for fifty minutes worth of photo uploads to finish going onto my myspace. I went to Missouri recently and took far too many pictures...we were drunk too often :). It led to a lot of drunken snap shots being taken...but oh well. If anyone doesn't like my life style then they can fuck off, now can't they?

Been going through my favorite flash submissions on here...Karoshi Suicide Salaryman is my favorite one to play with my brother. He likes the concept of dying in a game instead of the norm so much that it tickles him pink. Don't get me wrong, the poor guy is only seven...by my theory is that if a kid likes you game then chances are most adults will too. They have the shortest attention spans out of all of us...except stoners. But then again I am not one so I cannot speak for them.

Other favorites? Mushroom Tower Defense...very satisfying for a short amount of time. I beat a level on it and then I have to leave off the game for a while...until I am bored enough to come back and have some more fun with it. Um...let's see here...I also really liked some other ones that won't come to mind right now because I'm so exhausted. I'm an epileptic you see, and since I live in Oklahoma we've been having a lot of thunderstorms lately (its that time of year after all!) and last night I tried to get the dog to come inside and looked right into the sky as a bunch of lightning flashed together...well I woke up on my kitchen floor three hours later with a splitting headache feeling quite foolish. I really should know better than that...the dog can fend for her damn self. Too bad she's more important to me than my health! At least I don't have those grand mal seizures that i hear about so often in the epilepsy chat rooms...and read about...and think about any time someone says the word 'seizure'. I am lucky enough to have petit mal seizures that just knock me out for a while.

Wow...you can tell I'm tired, this is really ranty and far more than anyone on newgrounds.com needs to know about. sorry...


Posted by goblin0019 - May 11th, 2009

so, played Crush the Castle...very awesome, gotta love any game that includes trebuchets and their devastating powers. its great.

just waiting. like always. going to keep playing. For future reference if in the same day i will add to a post it will appear under an EDIT sign...with II and III and so forth for all of the added entried to a particular post. the only reason being that i hate coming back to look for my entried and having to sift through four or five entries a day. it makes it all the more time consuming.

hope my brother passed his tai kwon do test...*fingers crossed*


Posted by goblin0019 - May 10th, 2009

so...its been an interesting couple of days. why are men so interested in what they can't have? That's what i can't figure out. My aunt just had a gall bladder attack...kinda freaked me out. but that's just the way it goes, right?

Anyway, have been playing some very interesting games on here. I'm more interested in playing games more than i am in watching all of the movies that are on here...though every once in a while i come across agood one. Just played a game last night about vomiting, and another that was a complete rip off of a game on cartoonnetwork.com. it was pitiful. but there was one that i saw made the front page and the top five...i love traffic. this game was awesome and original..i have never seen anything like it. i recomment it.

so...its been real and its been fun but it hasn't been real fun, ya understand?